Thursday, July 19, 2012

Laundry Room Update

We're taking it slow on the laundry room remodel. We don't want to rush and mess anything up, or have it look bad at the end, so step-by-step we are making progress. Plus, I don't always feel like working in a tiny laundry room after a full day at work!
(P.S. sorry for the poor picture quality- for some reason my cell phone focuses, and then unfocuses everything I take a picture)

We still have to put down the grout sealant to protect it. But that's not until after we clean the 'grout haze' off the top of the tiles. Then put down the threshold transition piece. But seriously, I needed to do laundry! So we put the room back into a usable state. We put up one of the wire shelves and might just leave it at that, we'll see. I think the room color looks awesome with all the white appliance! And a super bonus- we realized that the former owners never pulled off the plastic wrap that protects the surface, so now the washer and dryer are shiny white instead of that yellowed color.Yay!

Check out our first accessories for the laundry room- a Fire Island light switch panel (free! it was from Greg's room at his parent's house), and a cute wooden lighthouse trashcan ($3.75 at a consignment store nearby!)
 I don't think I've mentioned the light fixture we bought. I think it's going to be super cool and match the lighthouse/ocean themed room perfectly! It almost looks like a ship's lantern! We got it at Restore, and I can't really remember how much we paid, I think around $30. I found something similar online for $130, Restore is awesome! You can't tell in the picture but it has the super cool old school bubbled glass look.
Stayed tuned for us to (disassemble, tear....) the laundry room again to finish up with the flooring and floor moudling. Hopefully that'll happen this weekend!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Pet Couponing

We've been slacking on the blogging lately, but that'll change as we finish up the laundry room and a couple of small projects over the next few weeks. So I thought I'd share something I've gotten into lately, Couponing!

It's very addicting. We've been couponing for grocery type stuff for almost a year, give or take a few months when I haven't done much, if any. I go on the blog sites, make my list, and usually save about 30-40% without too much effort. And that's buying stuff we USE, not like the crazy coupon show where they buy 100 of one thing and save like 98%. That's not realistic. You can't eat 100 toothbrushes. Okay, that was all of my gripe for now...

The point of this post was supposed to be Pet Couponing, so I'll get back to that. I never really thought much about it, other than using the occasional Fancy Feast or Friskies coupon that comes in the circulars. That is until they built a new Petco down the road from us, and I went on a Saturday morning because we were out of food and the kitties were grumpy with just dry food (yeah they are rotten). So I signed up for the Petco card while I was there, and the cashier was telling me all about their coupon policy since the store was practically empty that early. Turns out they accept all competition coupons (I've since found out that Petsmart does too), and conveniently there is a Pet Supermarket right down the street that puts out $2 or $5 store coupons every week! It opened a whole new world of couponing to us! And since Nutmeg has to eat high quality food (or he has poop issues), it's works out awesomely that we can get the high quality food for the same price as or cheaper than the normal Fancy Feast or Friskies.

 So the without coupon total from this transaction would have been $30.43, and we saved $18.25, for a total of $12.18 OOP (Out of Pocket). That's 40% savings! We bought a brush for $6, so take that away and we only paid $6.18 for the food, that's equal to 26 cents a can! For food that is normally 87 cents a can (Nutromax 5oz.).

So how? Well Petco had a sale, so if you bought more than 10 cans, you got 10% off the food. We had a Pet Supermarket $5 off $25 purchase, so that counted as a store coupon. Plus, we had two $5 Pals Rewards Dollars. Basically like loyalty points, and those are the reason that I now think Petco has better deals than Petsmart.


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